超人总动员 | The Incredibles | 2004小杰的攻击 | Jack-Jack Attack | 2005超人总动员2| The Incredibles 2| 2018另外你们知道吗?小杰主演的《小杰的攻击》特别收录在《超人总动员》DVD中。小杰在片尾中变成火焰,正和《神奇四侠》(Fantastic Four )中的 Human Torch 对应。Jack-Jack 这个名字也是导演 Brad Bird 的一个孩子的暱称。
Helen: Now it's perfectly normal...[is interrupted by Violet]Violet: Normal? Normal? What do you know about being normal? What does anyone in this family know about being normal?Helen: Now wait a minute young lady...Violet: We act normal, mum, I want to be normal, the only normal one around here is Jack-Jack and he's not even toilet trained.Jack Jack Parr: [bursts out laughing]Dash: He's lucky... I mean, not about being normal...